The Integrated Center for Artificial Intelligence Solutions (CISIA) aims to produce and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge based on Artificial Intelligence, fostering societal progress. CISIA has made significant contributions to society, notably:
CISIA has been developing R&D projects in various application areas. Most of these projects consolidate applied research carried out by PUCPR researchers. Recently, CISIA has developed projects with the following organizations: 33 Robotics Inova Simples, 4KST Tecnologia da Informação LTDA, Associação Brasileira de Educação e Cultura - ABEC, Associação Paranaense de Cultura – APC (PUCPR), Bematech, Bosch, Bradesco, COPEL, ExxonMobil, FTD Educação, Fujitsu do Brasil, Himarket, Infoworker, James Delivery, Olist Serviços Digitais LTDA, Prefeitura de Jaraguá do Sul, Renault, Rentcars, Saventic Health Brasil LTDA, Siemens Infraestrutura e Indústria LTDA, Similar Tecnologia e Automação LTDA, Sanepar, Sumersoft Tecnologia LTDA, and Univision Informática S.A.
CISIA has a physical space within Hotmilk, Paraná’s leading Innovation Ecosystem, equipped with seven Intel Core I7 desktop computers with 32GB of memory and NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPUs (12GB) for deep learning model training. It is important to note that CISIA had a project approved in the Public Call MCTI/FINEP/FNDCT/CT-INFRA-PROINFRA-2021 (reference 0259/22), which will allow the acquisition of a high-performance computer with four NVIDIA A100 GPUs, significantly increasing the center’s processing power (an investment of approximately 5 million reais).
Find more information about CISIA on the official website!